
Quick Find

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rudolph Valentino and the Lady in Black

Many have heard of the Lady in Black who was seen at Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery, now known as Hollywood Forever Cemetery.

It was here where a mysterious woman wearing all black was seen placing a bouquet of red roses by Rudolph Valentino’s tomb each year on the anniversary of his death.

But what most do not know is when this woman died, it didn’t prevent her from returning to Valentino’s tomb.

Ditra Flame

Ditra Flame’s mother was a good friend of Rudolph Valentino, a silent screen star and America’s first sex symbol.

Rudolph Valentino
Ditra Flame * and Valentino became friends when she was a young child. She was sickly and spent many days confined to a hospital bed.

Her mother devastated by her daughter’s condition encouraged Valentino to visit Ditra in the hospital.

He did exactly this. Each time Valentino would visit Ditra, he would bring a single red rose. After giving her the rose, he would sit by her bedside, talk to her, and hold her hand.

Ditra loved how Valentino’s smelled of cologne and the tobacco he smoked. As Ditra grew up, she never forgot Valentino’s kindness or a promise she made to the actor.

During one visit Valentino had said to Flame, “If I die before you do, please come and stay with me. I don’t want to be alone either, promise you will come and talk to me.”

As it turned out, Valentino did die before Ditra. He passed when he was only 31 years old. I wrote about Valentino’s tragic death and where his ghost is seen in another post here.

*  Ditra’s last name Flame is pronounced with two syllables “Fla--may.”

Lady in Black

Ditra was heartbroken when Valentino died. She remembered her promise and was determined to keep her word.

Starting in 1926, Flame went to Hollywood Memorial, dressed all in black. She placed red roses at Valentino’s tomb.

Ditra Flame in Aug. of 1953
For years, Flame returned to the cemetery grief-stricken holding red roses and wearing all black on the anniversary of Valentino’s death. Her visits started to attract media attention.

By 1947 this attention annoyed Ditra so much she finally stepped forward and told her story. She hoped this would allow her some peace, but she was mistaken.

In 1954, with a media circus surrounding her visit, Flame decided she would not return the next year.

In 1977, minus her black garb but still holding red roses, she returned once more.

Ditra Flame died in 1984, her tombstone in San Jacinto, California, simply reads, “Lady in Black.”

Several women wearing black in recent years have continued to visit Valentino’s grave to place red roses, but Ditra Flame’s ghost has been seen kneeling at his tomb since her death.

Flame’s Ghost

Witnesses have reported after seeing her ghost, there are always fresh red roses in the wall vases that mark Valentino’s tomb.

Here is one 1st person account.

Joan drove to meet a friend for lunch in Los Angeles. Her friend canceled but not wanting to return to her home in the San Fernando Valley during the rush hour she decided to explore Hollywood.

On impulse, she drove to Hollywood Forever Cemetery, she had heard several stars were buried there.

Once in the cemetery, she made her way to the Cathedral Mausoleum. She wanted to see the final resting place of Rudolph Valentino.

When she entered, she found the marble filled hall was deserted. Despite being alone, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her.

Rudolph Valentino Tomb
She walked down the hall and found Valentino’s name on a plaque. The two vases that hung on either side were empty. For some reason, this made her feel sad. She ran her hands across the raised letters and turned to leave.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a dark shadow, but as she glanced to the side, it disappeared. She stopped to see if she could hear footfalls but all was quiet.

Becoming afraid she proceeded toward the entrance but stopped when she saw the shadow once more. As it brushed passed her, she felt it push her arm.

Again, when she looked nothing was there.

Mausoleum Hallway,
arrow points to tomb
Curiosity overtook her fear, and she headed back toward Valentino’s tomb. The vases that had been empty now both held long-stemmed roses.

Not believing what she was seeing she reached out to touch one of them to confirm it was real.

When she returned home she did some research and discovered others had seen a phantom mourner at Valentino’s tomb--they felt this was the ghost of Ditra Flame.

It left her wondering, was the shadow she had seen and felt Ditra? Was she the one who left the roses? 

While Ditra was still alive, other women pretended to be the real Lady in Black. Here are some of the imposters.

Click to enlarge.

Friday, August 29, 2014

England’s Haunted Wymering Manor

This manor house, the oldest in Portsmouth, England, has more than its fair share of ghosts and legends.

The original Wymering Manor house dates back to 1042. One of the first owners of the manor was King Edward the Confessor. Then after the Battle of Hastings, it fell into the hands of King William the Conqueror who retained it until 1084.

The oldest parts of the current manor house date back to the 16th century. Over the centuries it has had many owners and has been continuously renovated. Modern suburbs surround Wymering today.

Unusual activity has been reported in the house for several centuries. Because of this, several U.K. paranormal groups have investigated it.

Here are just a few of the ghost stories that are told by people who have owned or stayed at Wymering.

A Cousin Returns

One owner, Thomas Parr, was awakened one night to see the apparition of his cousin standing at the foot of his bed. She happily chatted with him about various members of their family that were deceased.

Before she faded away, she fondly told him goodbye and mentioned that the family was getting ready to greet their Aunt Em. The following morning Parr received a telegram that his Aunt Em had died during the night.

One elderly relative that visited Parr at Wymering had an irrational fear the manor would be “invaded by burglars,” so she kept her bedroom door locked as she slept.

One morning she awoke and was surprised to see her door unlocked and wide open.

Singing Nuns

Another owner of Wymering, Leonard Metcalf who died in 1958, reported strange occurrences while living at the manor.

On several occasions, he saw a group of nuns crossing the manor’s hall. He watched as they chanted to the clear sound of music. At the time, he did not know that the Sisterhood of St. Mary of Virgin had visited the house in the mid-1800s.

Metcalf’s bedroom in the house is known as the “Panelled Room.” This room is considered the creepiest place in the manor. One day while standing at a washbasin Metcalf felt a hand on his shoulder when he spun around, no one was there.

Others who have stayed or just visited the room all report they become anxious and wanted to leave immediately.

A couple that lived in the manor also used this room as their bedroom. They stated they often felt fearful.

The Bleeding Nun

Attic Room
One ghost that has been seen for centuries is another nun. She is seen in the hallway outside the attic bedroom, which is directly above the “Panelled Room.”

It is said her hand's drip blood as she stares down the narrow staircase that leads to the attic.

Reckless Roddy

Wymering’s most infamous legend involves Sir Roderick of Portchester.

Newlyweds were staying at the manor when the husband was called away unexpectedly. Reckless Roddy hearing the bride was left alone, went to Wymering to try and seduce her.

The husband returned earlier than expected and chased Reckless Roddy from the home. As he tried to mount his horse, the husband killed him.

The legend states whenever a newly married couple stays at Wymering they can hear Reckless Roddy’s horse galloping down the lane.

Leonard Metcalf stated that shortly after his marriage following WWll, he and his wife were awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of this horse galloping away.

Sir Francis Austin

Another ghost seen at Wymering is the distinguished Naval officer who was the brother of novelist Jane Austin.

Sir Francis is buried at the nearby Wymering Parish Churchyard. Many witnesses over the years have claimed he haunts the old manor.

One paranormal group states they recorded a video of a tall man they think might be Austin.

Sir Francis Austin

Investigation Results

Various paranormal groups that have investigated Wymering have reported seeing apparitions of both men and women descending the manor’s staircases.

Light anomalies have been photographed, and cold spots are felt. One video captured what looks like a monk standing by one window.

One investigator reported being slapped on the chest.

Others have recorded disembodied voices, singing, and a piano playing--there is no piano in the manor house today.

A baby has been heard crying and the sounds of children laughing have been recorded.

Poltergeist activity has also been reported.

One group claims there are at least 18 ghosts at Wymering.

The manor has sat empty since 2006. It is up for sale for $600,000.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

San Diego's El Campo Santo Cemetery

This haunting is the result of old graves being disturbed.

El Campo Santos Cemetery, 1888.

In 1849 in San Diego, California the Catholic, the Catholic Church, a cemetery called “El Campo Santo”--The Holy Field. It was used through 1880.

This cemetery was placed in the area that would one day be San Diego’s historic Old Town. It is located just a couple of blocks from the Whaley House--which I wrote about here.

This cemetery eventually had 477 graves. Several of the founding fathers of San Diego are buried at El Campo.

Today this cemetery is only a quarter of its original size. As the city grew part of the cemeteries’ land was claimed for new development, which included: roads, buildings, and homes.

With this expansion, some graves were moved. Unfortunately, others were not.

In 1894 a horse-drawn streetcar was built through part of the cemetery, which later became San Diego Avenue. In 1942, this road was paved over leaving many graves under the street, sidewalk, and buildings.

In previous posts, here and here I mention it is never a good idea to build over existing graves. This often results in problems for the living.

A Renovation

In 1933, the San Diego Historical Society renovated this old graveyard. From one historic photo and varies descriptions, they endeavored to accurately restore the cemetery.

An adobe brick wall was built around what remains of the cemetery. Markers were reset--only 6 of the original broken iron and wooden paling enclosures remained.

It was at this time that the surrounding businesses and homes started to officially report that the area was haunted.

In 1993, equipment that uses radar to penetrate underground determined that there are at least 20 graves under San Diego Avenue.

Just outside the El Campo Santo’s front gate there are small brass circular plaques that read “Grave Site” embedded into the sidewalk and street. Just above the road is a plaque that reads:

“Remembering the more than 20 men, women, and children who lie buried beneath San Diego Avenue.”

Ironically, only one person--a state Assembly member--was deemed worthy enough to be exhumed and re-buried within the cemetery walls.

Another 13 graves, most of them children were found under the pavement on Linwood Street.

For years, businesses and residents in the Old Town area that surround this old cemetery have reported poltergeist activity.

This activity is always described as “annoying.” Most often people report problems with their electricity, lights, appliances and alarm systems often malfunction.

Many people who have visited and walked through El Campo report feeling freezing cold spots. Others that park their cars in front of the graveyard report they will not start when they return.

People that live and work in the area also report seeing a variety of apparitions within and outside the cemetery walls.

Sometimes these ghosts are mistaken for costumed actors promoting a local business.

Ghosts are seen gliding across the graves in the cemetery and groups of entities have been seen standing near the cemetery's perimeter.

Many of these ghosts are only seen from the waist up. When approached they disappear quickly.

One specific ghost that has been seen on several occasions is that of a gravedigger.

Many ghosts reported are described as Native American or Hispanic, which fits with the history of San Diego’s Old Town.

In the 1990s, during a three-year period, the activity became so pronounced that local residents and businesses came together and paid for an exorcism of the graveyard and surrounding area.

This settled the activity down but it is said apparitions are still seen--especially the gravedigger and a group of ghost children.

El Campos Santos Cemetery is a California Historical Landmark. It is located at the 2400 block of San Diego Avenue. Two notable interments at this graveyard are:

James W. Robinson is known as Yankee Jim--died in 1852. He was a French Canadian Western Outlaw who was sentenced to death by hanging for stealing the only rowboat in San Diego Bay. He is thought to haunt Whaley House.

Antonio Garra who died in 1852. He was a Native American chief sentenced to death for organizing an Indian confederation to drive Americans out of California. He was executed at his gravesite, by a firing squad consisting of 12 men. It is believed he is buried underneath what is now San Diego Avenue.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

India’s Haunted Stepwells, Part ll

A stepwell is an ancient subterranean structure that was built to allow India’s citizens access to water year-round.

At one time there were 1000s of these wells in India’s villages, cities and alongside roads. Most had elaborate architecture and artistic stone reliefs. 

Here are two that are considered to be haunted--both having histories of people drowning.

Madha Vav

This stepwell is located in the village of Vadhavan in the state of Gujarat, India.

It was constructed under the ruler, Karnadeva Vaghela. He was a weak ruler, and his people called him Karan Ghelo--meaning Ghelo the insane.

A statue of Ghelo and his wife can still be seen at Madha Vav.

This vav *, which is still intact, is 55 meters long (60 yards) and has 6 pavilion-towers. It has six flights of stairs, which is the usual number. These steps go down 49.80 m (54 yards).

Madha Vav
According to local belief, a dangerous spirit haunts Madha Vav. It is believed this spirit rises every three years and claims a life.

His victims always drown in the well’s water. This story is so prevalent that it is told in a popular folk-song.

Agrasen Ki Baoli

Agrasen Ki Baoli
Aragsen Ki is a 700-year-old beautiful stepwell that still exists in New Delhi, the capital of India.

It was built in the 10th century by Rajput King Anang Pal ll of the Tomar Dynasty.

This baoli is an excellent example of a single flight stepwell. It has 104 steps made of red stone.

At one time this well was submerged in murky water, so it was considered to be one of the most “spooky haunted places in India.”

Today, many report feeling the presence of an invisible ghost. This ghost is said to follow people around--if they quicken their pace in fear so does the spirit quicken its pace.

For years rumors have persisted that this well had several evil spirits. It is said that the well’s murky black waters mesmerized or attracted vulnerable people.

If a person was discouraged or depressed it is believed this baoli * hypnotized them-- a power would overtake them, and they would jump into the well’s waters where they died.

For hundreds of years, it was believed that “Baoli of the unseen” called people to offer their lives--a sacrifice in order to raise a well’s water levels.

Agrasen Ki is a protected monument by the Archeological Survey of India (ASI).

*  In Hindi-speaking regions these wells were referred to as "baoli." In the Gujarati and Marwari languages, they are usually called "vav" or "vaav."

Here is a link to Part l India’s Haunted Stepwells where I talk about their history and demise.

India’s Haunted Stepwells, Part l

Click to enlarge.

Stepwells are centuries old structures that are unique to India. They were born of necessity in 300 AD.

India has a very erratic climate that is bone dry for most of the year. Torrential rains follow and last for weeks after this dry season. To make matters worse, India’s water table is located 10 stories underground.

Because of this, the Indians had to figure out a way to provide a reliable year-round water supply for drinking, washing, and irrigation. A system was needed to collect and preserve their precious rainwater.

The result was the construction of 1000s of subterranean stepwells in cities, towns and along trade routes. These beautifully designed structures were built with flights of stairs leading down to the water--for easy access.

Click to enlarge

These steps-- generally in the hundreds-- allowed women to carry buckets down to the water level in the dry season. During the monsoon season, all or most of these steps were submerged.

Over one thousand years, these Hindu and Muslim stepwells evolved into impressive feats of engineering, architecture, and art. Their stone reliefs are incredible.

Stone Reliefs--Click to enlarge.

They were often named for the ruler or patron who constructed them. A quarter of these philanthropists were female patrons. This is not surprising considering fetching water was and still is the domain of women in India.

People of both genders and of all faiths were welcome at stepwells. For women, they became a social gathering place. They also provided a cool place to escape the heat.

Most also were used as temples. Many have stone carved deities, and the Indian people used them for ritual bathing, prayers, and offerings.

Their Demise

Over the last century, these stepwells have been in decline. This is the reason why many people today do not know about them.

Their demise came with unregulated pumping and a prolonged drought that drastically lowered the water table.

The Indian government has protected a handful of these ancient stepwells but many more have been demolished or left to deteriorate.

During the British Raj, they were deemed unhygienic and were often filled in.

With the advent of centralized taps, plumbing, and storage tanks, these stepwells, in essence, became obsolete. But this left many communities bereft of an important social and religious meeting place.

Today, most stepwells are in various stages of ruin. Some are used as dumps. Others are overrun with vegetation, and various critters, such as snakes and bats. If they have water pools, they are stagnant.

The Indian government is considering restoring more and using them as possible cisterns, which would return them to their original purpose.

Example of deterioration.
The fear is that these beautiful and unique examples of Indian architecture may be lost for future generations.

Two stepwells that still exist--one in the village of Vadhavan and the other in New Delhi are both seeped in mystery, and haunted tales.

Here is a link to Part ll of India’s Haunted Stepwells where I share these stories.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Oregon’s Heceta Head Lighthouse

This is a well-known Oregon Coast ghost story.

What was once known as Devil’s Elbow State Park, is now called Heceta Head Lighthouse Scenic Viewpoint State Park.

This lighthouse is located just north of Florence, Oregon. It sits 205 feet above sea level, on the west side of 1,000-foot-high Heceta Head. It is situated in a cove at the mouth of Cape Creek.

This lighthouse is one of the most photographed spots in Oregon, and is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

Heceta was first illuminated in 1894 and has a 56-foot tower. It was named after a Spanish sailor Don Bruno Heceta, who discovered the area in 1755.

Heceta Head Lighthouse was automated in 1963, and is the strongest light along the Oregon Coast--it can be seen 21 miles from shore. It was renovated in 2013.

The Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s house--built in 1893-- still sits near the tower. Today this building is known as Heceta House. It is run by the U.S. Forest Service, and today is a bed and breakfast.

Visitors staying at this house can see the grey whale migration as they travel to and from Alaska to Baja California. This 549-acre park offers day campers, seven miles of trails, of varying degrees of difficulty, spectacular viewpoints, tide pools, natural caves, a variety of wildlife, and a pristine sandy beach.

Needless to say, this bed and breakfast is a popular spot, and there is a 3-month waiting list for reservations. More information can be found about it here.

Both the Lighthouse and Heceta house, are on the National Register of Historic Places. “Heceta” is pronounced by most as “ Ha--SEE--Ta,” others pronounce it “HECK--ah--Ta.”

The Grey Lady

Heceta House
Unlike most hauntings near a lighthouse, this ghost is not seen in the Heceta Head tower. Instead, The Grey Lady or “Rue” resides in the Assistant Lighthouse Keepers home--Heceta House.

It is believed that Rue’s spirit stays because the grave of an infant girl was discovered on the Lighthouse grounds. It is said Rue still watches over her baby girl.

Rue was dubbed the Grey Ghost because she is seen as a grey mist, with a human form. Her ghost is considered friendly, and sometimes mischievous.

She often moves items and opens and closes cabinet doors. She is heard walking upstairs in the house.

Many encounters with her have been reported since the 1950s.

At one time a volunteer crew was sent out to paint Heceta House. This crew spent the night but did not get much sleep.

Throughout the night, the fire alarm kept going off--no fire was discovered. Tired of being woken up, a member of this crew removed the batteries from this alarm. It did not work, the alarm sounded again.

It seems Rue didn’t like the color of the new paint.

Her ghost is most active when construction or renovations are taking place in the building.

Another encounter with Rue was when a workman came face to face with her in the home’s attic. He was so startled, he fled the house and refused to return to the attic.

A few days later, he accidentally broke the attic window, while working on the exterior of the building.

Refusing to go into the attic, he instead repaired this window from the outside. As he did this, he pushed the broken glass into the room and it scattered.

That night other workers heard scraping sounds across the attic floor. When they inspected the room the next morning, they found the glass neatly swept into a pile beneath the repaired window.

Rue is most often seen peering down at people from the upstairs.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Stranger

This story was told to a priest by one of his older female parishioners in the early 20th century.

It was the late 1800s and Edith was a newlywed. She had been born and raised in a city in Upper Michigan so it was a shock to move to her husband’s rural farm.

This farm was isolated, being the last mailbox on the lane. It was a lonely, harsh life, but Edith was happy in her marriage, and she and Lou her husband were lucky for they didn’t want for life’s necessities.

One early summer morning Lou had gone out to a field to mow hay. As Edith stood at the kitchen window, she saw a stranger ride into the farmyard.

He hitched his horse to the post but Edith was surprised to see him head toward the barn instead of approaching the house.

She watched with concern as he entered the barn, he then came out and inspected their shed. As she watched him wander around the yard, seeming to look for something, she became anxious.

He finally headed for the house. By the time his knock sounded on the door, Edith was frightened.

She hesitated, not wanting to answer, but she became afraid the stranger would break down the door. She opened it just a crack.

The words caught in her throat as she said, “Yes, what do you want?”

The stranger peered at her and said in a toneless voice, “Are you alone?”

Edith terrified now, and not wanting to be alone with the stranger blurted out, “No!” “My husband is in the attic.” To convince him, she then turned and called out, “Hey Lou.”

A voice that of her husband responded immediately, “Yea, what is it? I’ll be right down.”

Edith turned back to the stranger to see him transformed. His face became animated with anger as he backed down the porch steps. He then jumped on his horse and quickly rode away.

Edith’s shut the door and sought a chair before her knees gave out. She wondered why Lou was in the attic, she had not heard him return from the field.

She went upstairs to see what he was doing, but no one was in the attic.

A half-hour later, Lou returned from mowing hay for lunch. He had not seen the strange man.

The priest mentioned above, after retelling this story asked his parishioners, “Whose Guardian Angel do you think that was, Edith’s or Lou’s?”

A young woman gave a surprising but thoughtful reply. “I’d like to think it was the rider’s Guardian Angel keeping him out of trouble.”

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The “Are You Psychic?” Test

Dr. Dorothy McCoy who has a degree in Counseling Psychology published an excellent book in 2005--The Ultimate Book of Personality Tests.

There are over 50 tests in this book. Some ponder the questions: Are you a Witch? Can you put a love spell on your boyfriend? What type of car would you be? Are you an experience seeker?

From the titles above it is obvious McCoy’s book is entertaining, but it also has more in-depth tests that reflect a person’s: people skills, sensuality, emotional state, fears, and personality type just to name a few.

I bought this book for McCoy’s Chapter 6. In this chapter, she provides tests that determine if one is open to spiritual possibilities, etc.

I love her test in this the section that asks, “Do You See Things That Go Bump in the Night?”

Here it is--It is for entertainment so take it with a grain of salt...

Are You Psychic?

Answer Yes or No

1Have you ever known the phone was going to ring before it rang?
2.    Have you ever felt a sudden chill in the room, when there was no apparent reason?
3.    Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained by science or logic?
4.    Have you ever felt you were being watched when you were alone?
5.    Have you ever had a vision or dream that came true?
6.    Have you ever had a successful session with a Ouija board?
7.    Do you have an open mind about the supernatural?
8.    Would you refuse to spend the night in a “haunted” house?
9.    Do you meditate?
10.                  Have you retained the childlike ability simply to “accept” new experiences, free of distorting preconceptions?
11.                  Are you more likely to make decisions using your “gut feeling” than your “thinking logic?”
12.                  Have you ever been told that psychic ability runs in your family?
13.                  Do you wear black 90% (or more) of the time?


Give yourself 1 point for each Yes answer. Leave question 13 out McCoy was just kidding.

0--4 Yes answers:

Your psychic ability is not fully developed. Your personality leans toward the more rational and pragmatic, and you prefer to see “phenomena” that can be explained by logic.

5--8 Yes answers:

You are coming along nicely. Your score indicates you are open to unique experiences and you esteem an open, inquisitive mind. You may have experienced the supernatural.

9--12 Yes answers:

It is certainly possible that you have psychic ability. Your score is encouraging. You, as well as the last group, may have experienced the supernatural.

McCoy uses one of my favorite quotes before and after this test.

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

                                             --Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hindenburg Ghosts

“As the airship came in for a landing it suddenly exploded into flames. The rear was completely engulfed in a bright orange fireball. An eyewitness standing a half-mile away on the ground said an intense blast of heat blew over. Then, a blow torch-flame shot out of the airship’s nose.”


In 1936 the future looked bright for rigid airships. These zeppelin ships were lighter than air and huge. They could travel at a speed of 84 miles an hour--which was the fastest travel mode at that time. Passengers traveled in luxury in the zeppelin's bellies.

Hindenburg flying over
Manhattan in April of 1936.
The Hindenburg was Nazi Germany’s pride and joy. It could carry up to 75 passengers. Hitler had wanted it named after him--but the German builders had "Hindenburg" put on its side quickly to prevent this.

In 1936 it was used for one glorious season ferrying over 1000 wealthy passengers back and forth across the Atlantic from Frankfurt, Germany to America. This trip took about 2 and a half days which was much faster than boat travel.

During its first trans-Atlantic crossing in May of 1937 it burst into flames over Lakehurst Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The ship was destroyed in less than 1 minute.

Thirty-five people of the 97 onboard were killed, including 13 passengers, 22 crewmen. One ground crew member died of burns he suffered when the hull of the ship fell on him--which took the tally to 36.

This disaster became the main focus of the international media and marked the end of the use of rigid airships in commercial transportation.

The Hindenburg at the time of the disaster was was using hydrogen gas to lift it which is highly flammable. 

The fire was officially attributed to a hydrogen leak that was set off by an atmospheric discharge. Despite this at the time it was speculated that the disaster was actually an act of sabotage that resulted from anti-Nazi sentiment--this theory was ruled out.

Today a new theory has been put forth as to the real cause of the accident. Here is a link to the video shown on PBS that discusses it. 

Haunted Naval Station

Hindenburg Memorial
At Lakehurst Naval Air Station a chain and a bronze plaque were placed in 1987 in the area where the Hindenburg came down to commemorate the 50th anniversary of this disaster.

In 1937, many of the 61 passengers and crew that survived were injured and burned so they were transported to the base hospital.

The 36 deceased where placed in a nearby hanger that would have housed the Hindenburg if it had successfully landed.

It was in this hanger--a makeshift temporary morgue--where survivors had the gruesome task of identifying the charred remains of the dead. It was said that the smell of burned flesh hung in the air for days.

Over 75 years later Lakehurst is still an active base and workers still report smelling burnt flesh in this hanger.

Over the years many who have worked at Lakehurst feel those who were killed when the Hindenburg burst into flames still roam the base.

The old hospital were the wounded were taken is a clinic today. Workers in this area have seen and heard things they cannot explain.

Witnesses have reported seeing lights flashing on and off with no logical reason.

They mention hearing strange footsteps; doors rattling and loud unexplained crashes.

One staff member who was working alone in the building that houses the clinic heard one of these loud crashes.

When he went to check out the area in the clinic where the sound came from he found a large pamphlet rack had fallen over and the pamphlets were scattered across the floor.

Irritated, he announced out loud that he didn’t make the mess so he wasn’t going to clean it up. He told the ghost that he should “do it” instead. Then he went home.

The next morning, the rack and pamphlets were back where they belonged.

This staff member and others that work in the clinic still do not know how this rack got back in its proper place.

The Hindenburg disaster was made more compelling because a radio reporter for WLS by the name of Herb Morrison was describing the arrival of the zeppelin when it caught on fire. His live on-air vivid description of this disaster is heart-rending.

Here is video of the disaster with the audio of his description.