
Quick Find

Monday, October 31, 2016

An Unusual 911 Call

This is from a first-person account.

I used to work as a 911 operator in a large urban area. One night shift I worked, at around 3:00 a.m., I answered a call from an elderly woman.

She told me she didn’t feel well. I tried several times to illicit more information from her. Was she having chest pains, trouble breathing etc.?

The only response I got was her stating over and over again she was not feeling well. She did give her address and phone number. She also volunteered that she was alone and her front door was unlocked. 

She said when the paramedics arrived they should walk right in.

I put the call out as a “general illness” and continued to talk to her. After several minutes she told me in a weak voice, “ I don’t feel well.” She then stated, “She needed to go to the bathroom.”

I tried to encourage her to stay on the line but I heard her put the phone down. Every few minutes I called her name but received no response.

Eventually a firefighter whom had been dispatched to the callers’ home came on the line. He asked if the call had come in from a third party or family member. I replied “no.”

He sounded puzzled as he told me they had found an elderly lady in the bathroom. I told him that was the lady who had made the call. He slowly stated “no” and then informed me that the lady in the bathroom had been dead for at least 12 hours. That rigor had set in.

Afterwards my supervisor and I pulled the tapes on this call to see if I had missed something. We checked the timestamp, address and phone number. No one else was in the home.

My only explanation is I took a call from a dead woman.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Goliad: Presidio La Bahia

Two hours south of Houston, Texas on Highway 59 is Goliad, Texas. Just south of this town sits the most fought over spot in Texas history—nine different flags have flown over the Presidio La Bahia.

The Presidio
The presidio’s history is clouded in violence. This is why so many people believe the area is haunted.

The most atrocious act that occurred at La Bahia happened during the Texas Revolution in March of 1836. During the Battle of Coleto, General Santa Anna’s troops were able to retake the fort from the Texas troops.

The nine different flags that flew above the fort.

Over 300 Texas soldiers surrendered. Several days after this battle, Santa Anna ordered the massacre of all these soldiers. They were marched out of the fort in three different groups and shot at point-blank range. 

These men were buried in a mass grave at La Bahia. Today a memorial stands at the site to honor them.

This is the reason why a month later, in April of 1836, Texas soldiers' rallying cry was “ Remember Goliad” * when they defeated the Mexicans and gained independence for Texas during the Battle of San Jacinto.

     * They also yelled, “Remember the Alamo.”

La Bahia continued to be occupied by soldiers, and then by priests. Today, the Catholic Diocese of Victoria owns the “Quarters” at the presidio. It is a National Historic Landmark.

In the 1960s, La Bahia was rebuilt. A museum was opened that highlights the fort’s bloody history. The architecture at the presidio is considered one of the finest examples of the Spanish Colonial style in America.

Once opened, visitors began to report strange encounters at La Bahia.

These reports back up the claims that restless spirits remain in the area.

Common encounters include the sounds of footsteps heard on the roof, while visitors are in the Quarters and the sound of distance canon fire. There are also many other reports of strange unexplained sounds around the fort--including footsteps in the wee hours.

Most chilling of all is the eyewitness reports of seeing spectral soldiers walking around the grounds.

Because of these encounters, various paranormal groups have investigated La Bahia. Their evidence is presented in several videos on YouTube.

The Quarters
Today, tourists can stay overnight in one of the rooms in the Quarters area—the cost is $200.00.

In the spring—the presidio, despite its otherworldly residents, is quite peaceful. Wildflowers bloom on the gentle slopes that surround it.