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Monday, August 17, 2020

A Helpful Spirit Child

This is a recent local story from Las Cruces, NM.

The mother of a toddler who died two years ago claims her daughter was caught on camera near where she is buried.

Faviola Rodriguez was only two years old when she died in September of 2018.

Ever since, her mother, Saundra Gonzales, has discovered Faviola’s toys and other personal items, that she has placed at her gravesite, missing.

Could it be her deceased daughter taking them?

Saundra, who at first thought they were stolen, now has cause to wonder.

Recently, another family visiting the Masonic Cemetery in Las Cruces captured some intriguing images on video.

Ms. Gonzalez is firmly convinced that this video shows an image of her daughter.

Many have described it as “beautiful”—for it shows a little girl escorting another family’s brother, who died recently.

Saundra believes it is her daughter’s image escorting this man up to heaven.

Here is a video that one local TV News station shared about what this video captured.