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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ghost Cats

Ghost Cats are a form of the paranormal that occurs quite often. 

More often than not, people who experience this phenomenon are people who have had a cat pass on recently. Other stories I have heard involve the cat returning at specific times of the year, like the holidays.

People even have photographs where these deceased cats show up in transparent form. Eyewitness accounts are too numerous to list here, but the most common are cats jumping up on the bed with their former owners, laying down next to them or walking across their legs. 

Another common report is people reporting that these Ghost Cats brush against their legs or they hear them meowing. And yet other reports describe cats scratching at the bedclothes on their owners’ beds.

My group members have also experienced this phenomenon at investigations we have done. One store we investigate on a regular basis has a resident ghost cat. 

Several of my members have had their legs brushed and seen this cat out of the corner of their eyes. We put a food dish down for this cat as a “trigger object.”

Below is a video at a private residence we investigated. This camera was on a tripod in the backyard. 

During the time we filmed this cat, the camera went haywire (all the static) once the cat disappeared the camera went back to normal focus. 

This is a “possible” ghost cat. Look closely at the first few seconds and again at the end when the cat is out in the open it appears to be transparent.

The only cat in this area has no tail, this one does.


  1. This is a fabulous video! As a cat lover and someone who has personally had 2 ghost cat visitations, I love this video.

  2. I could not see the video but I believe it as my grand daughter has claimed of seeing her deceased cat.

  3. We had to put our cat down a few months ago... my baby for 17 years. I still hear her walking across the living room floor when I'm home alone, and from time to time, I see her sitting on the floor beside my desk. My husband ha seen her too. Miss her a lot.

  4. Iv had 3 cats leave me. My most recent one was my little girl Pandora. She was only 3 and a half and died of liver failure. My other cat who is still with me talks to her in the hallway of my house and I see her pop her head round the door of my living room, when I go to investigate she is not there physically but I know she is. My other deceased cat is called ludo, he has found my new home and I have seen him a few times now. He was always very playful. Bobby was my first cat and I believe him to be the same spirit of my childhood cat. He is never far from my dreams and is always very vivid .

  5. I believe the connections people make with their pets continues after death.

  6. Video has been made private and cannot be watched. :(

  7. My ginger cat Jock got hit by a car 9 days ago & was killed. When alive he used to jump on my bed and walk up to my pillow and sleep next to my head. Last night while laying awake, I felt something walking up my bed to the pillow, I could feel his weight against my head. I couldn't see him but I sure felt him. I said to him "Jock you've come back". Since he died I've also heard him meow at the door which he used to do all the time to be let in. I miss him so much.

  8. I have lost two beloved cats--I understand.

  9. I was away from home for an extended time, one night my cat showed up, i could hear her purr and feel her warmth. i called my daughter the next day and she said the cat had disappeared. i told her the cat was dead because she was with me. she stayed with me until i went back home. every once in a while i fell her presence.

  10. I've recently bought and moved into a new house and have been living there for almost 2 months. I just bought my first kitten two weeks ago, and since then there have been a few weird incidents happening! On the 1st February I heard my kitten meow in the hallway, only to be replied by a much deeper sounding adult cat also in the hallway! It happened a few more times with my kitten meowing and the adult cat replying. The hair on the back of my neck stood up because I thought a cat had somehow gotten into my house! I finally summoned some courage and went to look for the cat, but found nothing but my kitten sitting in the hallway. It happened again the next night, but this time in the dining room where I have direct line of sight from the lounge room. I heard an adult cat meow twice but could only see my kitten.

    Last night, February 9th I heard my kitten meow strangely from the hallway, Immediately jumped up to see him hissing, with his back arched and fur all standing up – he was doing this in the hallway but there was nothing there! I freaked out and went to bed lol. So – perhaps a ghost cat??

  11. Could be--or something else--that only your cat can see.

  12. Emily, our 19 year old cat passed away last February. She and I always had a special connection. One morning soon after her death, my husband and I were sitting at the kitchen table, where Emily loved to sleep, when we heard a cat meow, softly, several times. I looked around thinking it was our other cat but she was fast asleep.

    Yesterday, our cat Cosette passed away at the age of 17. She loved to spend her day sleeping in the garden. When I would garden she would follow me around the yard and would rub her head against my leg. This morning I was outside, engrossed in my garden work when I felt something brush my leg from behind just as though she were there doing it. I quickly turned to see nothing there. It's comforting to think that they are still with you in spirit.

  13. I rent a room at a house and every night i am visited by a ghost cat that jumps up on the bed, crosses over my legs, lays down, begins to purr and then falls asleep. This cat also visits me when i nap during the day. I can literally feel the blankets going down around me as the cat finds a place that is comfortable. I was terrified the first 30 times this happened to me, but now when i feel the static in my legs and the warmth of the cat and listen to it breathing, it is somehow comforting. I love my ghost cat, i have never owned one in life, but now i have one in spirit. It is truly remarkable.

  14. Well I was amazed when I first came across this Website and read some of the comments and it was the same experiences that my Wife and I have just had, we just lost our lovely Birman Persian cat Smokey who was 18 years old he died of Kidney Failure and we are devastated, miss him so much, since then we have heard meows in the hallway several times and my wife felt him walk over her feet in bed, and I have felt him around my legs, we are convinved he is still with us. RIP Smokey.

  15. We have a ghost cat at our place. Not sure why it just started happening, but it scares us. It is just a clearly audible meow here and there.

  16. Well I am back again, since my last posting we have experienced some more of the strange happenings , it's now five weeks since our lovely Birman Smokey passed over the rainbow and we have had more meows at night, walking on the bed and my Wife heard him again the other morning and I saw him briefly in the kitchen the other day, we are now convinced more than ever he has not left us. Most of these phenomena have occurred since we brought home his ashes, l now believe firmly in ghost cats,we are living with one .

  17. My rescued cat of 3 years recently went over rainbow bridge. She was doing great, but a very sick rescue. I established a special bond with her in the last year. It was great. I've felt weird things occur when she was around and I would confirm it was her. Well, Can i say, they those things continued to occur after she passed, and I didn't need to confirm it was her.

    She pounced on my bed on the left-hand corner, and I hear and feel it every so often. She would kind of get in my way at feeding time and stop me from walking. It still happens. I actually can't move my feet for a like 50 seconds. It so special and marvelous.

    She was kidney failed and diabetic and would hang on the side of the water bowl and her teeth would ting the glass. I hear it like 3 am in the morning all the time.

    I can't wait for the next visit. Tiffy knew I was in love with her right from the pickup. I believe she was in love with me. xoxo

  18. I have no recent cats who have moved on. The last family cat was over 15yrs ago but 3 years ago I had regular visits from a ghost car for a week or two. I would feel it jump on the bed and walk and settle down against my leg with a definite heavy feeling as if a real cat was curled up sleeping. I also got loud purring in my ear a couple of times. I have no idea why it visited me. Maybe because the first time it happened I was a bit scared but decided to be brave and 'pretended' to stroke it so maybe that made it keep coming back? I know I wasn't dreaming or half asleep as one time I was talking to a friend on my mobile when it came. I have moved house since then but just a week ago felt a similar visit. No purring just walking and that kneeding cats do. I wonder why and what does it mean? The first time I had broken up with my husband and this second time I have recently broken up from my boyfriend. I'm not lonely or sad but maybe they come to offer comfort??

  19. My neighbor's cat, whom I befriended, got hit by a car. She was still a small cat, not grown. A week after her death both my mother and I saw her running through our house. She would often run past me when I opened the back door coming home late at night. This continued for a year, almost every night and then her appearances gradually quit for now and then.

    1. This is exactly what has happened to me and is why I've been googling it! I couldn't find anyone else say something about someone else's cat until this comment

  20. Our black and white cat Lovey got hit by a car. She was still alive when we saw in the road, but by the time we got to her, she had passed. It was heartbreaking. A week later, we adopted some orphan kittens that had been abandoned in a box on top of a building.
    Last night (7/19/16), my husband got up to use the restroom. He saw an orange and white cat sleeping at the foot of the bed. We have never owned an orange and white cat. Twice he got up to use the restroom and twice he saw her on the bed. I figure this must be the mother cat of our two orphaned kittens, since they are calico with orange, white and black mixed in. I had the two kittens on the bed earlier in the day. Perhaps the mama cat could "sense" her babies had been on the bed. I don't think this ghost cat was Lovey, since Lovey was black and white.

    We've had other ghost cat visits. Ever so often I hear a cat breathing near by my bed in the morning. That could be either my Siamese Patty or half-Siamese cat Katie Anne. I have felt a cat jump on my bed, and I believe it was Patty paying me a visit, as it felt just like her. She was very light on her feet. Katie, our half-Siamese, once paid us a visit; my husband and I both saw her walking in the hallway.

    This is the first time we've had an "unknown" cat ghost visit us. So it must be the mother cat of my babies.

  21. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with a ghost car. I sort of/adopted 2 strays with a week of each. Carma and Lazarus. Them Gabi came along a year later and then black and sox (I believe they are littermates) came 11 years later. I had to put carma to sleep 3 yrs ago at the age of 15. She had stopped eating and became a skeletal even tho I tried everything to get her to eat. Everybody else is still alive. (Lax is now 18 same age carma would be). About 7 months ago I was asleep part of my sheet was in front of my face and I heard a very loud purring going on next to my head. I thought great one of the cats got in the bedroom (I had to start locking them out due to laz and Gabi would pee on the carpet they couldn't always make it to the litter box and the rest of the house is tiled. I decided to ignore it but then I felt the sheet move like someone peeked around the sheet and then it was gone. Next morning bedroom door was shut and all the cats were in the living room. So I know it was carma

    About 45 mins ago I was sitting on my bed watching a movie when I saw in my peripheral vision the back half of carma trotting past behind a box. I was a little freaked. I didn't think cats came back to visit once they passed on, specially 3 yrs later. First time I felt she was letting me know she was okay. I don't remember when it whether I was lonely or not but today I did feel lonely as most of things I do outside of home church or work/movies (I work at a theater) i do by myself as most of my friends do have families, partners or spouses and don't really have the interest I do with creative things, like making craft things or doing costumes for different movies or events like a steampunk fall festivals. There was a class I was going to after church (it canceled do to the girl running couldn't get the project to work) and I had asked a couple of friends to go but they weren't interested. So came home and just felt a little lonely. I guess she came to visit to make me feel better. I'm glad I'm not crazy because I see her. Thank you everybody for telling your stories I definitely feel better.

  22. I'm not sure if I've only witnessed one or if it's multiple ghost cats, A lot of my past cats have passed, so it's hard to tell, But very often, almost every night or so, i can either see a ghost cat at the door of my room or feel one - usually laying down - next to me on the bed. I have never actually heard it/them until today though, The first time a little while after my mother left at around 11 or 12 i heard a cat meow in my bedroom but all of my cats seemed to be asleep, plus i didn't really recognize the meow as one of theirs. The second time was less than half an hour ago, in the same room, but much louder. All of my cats were either once again sleeping or in the kitchen which is on the opposite end of the house from where my room is. My mom has never seen nor heard one according to her, and it seems she can only see normal human ghosts and i can only see shadow people and cat ghosts.

  23. Cool video! A few years ago I would have thought this video was a fake but, in recent years my apartment is regularly inhabited by cat "spirits". Although, I am a cat lover and have lived with cats most of my life, my apartment complex is a relatively new construction that has always been a pet free community aside from service animals. I have seen and felt several cats in ghostly formations and also as clearly as a regular living entitys on many occasions and I don't recognize any of the cats as ones I have lived with that have passed on. These experiences have completely altered my understanding of reality to the point of extreme astonishment. What I thought the world was has been completely turned upside by these experiences and I have no idea what is really going on in what we call reality. I always thought of science as my religion but, since science is unable to explain these circumstances or even acknowledge them I am almost completely lost and don't know what to believe in anymore. It's actually enjoyable to be able to experience something so mind blowing that the world has become a total mystery I want to explore!

  24. We took in a feral kitten several months ago, he's become our baby. We have no cats that passed except from our childhoods. We have been hearing clear, loud meows from a cat we can't see, and it jumps on the bed and also rubs against my legs. Our cat doesn't seem to notice anything. It can be a little unsettling but we talk to it and hope it's not stuck here, unable to move on.

  25. Hi reading all the comments and strange happenings reminds me of my last posting to this site, its now our second Christmas without our lovely Birman Persian Smokey and we still miss him, but guess what he has just revisited us, several meows in the hall in the early morning, he loved all the decorations for the Festive season and this happened the morning after we put them up. RIP Smokey.

  26. Your visitor could be the kittens mother checking making sure its ok. It doesnt seem from all that i read that cats get stuck and cant move in, i think its more making everything is ok. As when my carma visited the first time i was feeling down and thinking about how skeletal she became before i had to put her down. Shewas on my bed purring at my ear and then u felt the sheet move like she took a quick peek at me. I felt comforted ehen i realized it had been her. Shes come back a couple more times but i think shes checking on laz (i had them at the same time and were the same age). Laz is almist 19 and i think she checks in to be sure hes ok. Ehen she does this only see her fluffy butt and tail cross behind something. So i think theres many reason why you have a little visitor and if the kitten doesnt react bad then it is a gentle spirit. Good luck with your new bundle of joy

  27. Hi Virginia. Could you please post the link for the video? I don't see it anywhere. Many thanks. 😎

  28. Here it is, sorry when I edit posts the videos tend to disappear. The quality has deteriorated since we filmed it. This was from our original 4-screen DVR--about eight years ago.

  29. What a neat video! I could definitely see the ghost cat. I too have had several wonderful paranormal experiences with my two dear cats, Kissy and Fermi, after their Spirits crossed over to the Other Side. Thanks for sharing, Virginia. Happy Fall! 🎃

  30. We have a ghost cat in our apartment, however, this one was already here when me moved in. It shows up quite often and doesn't bother anybody (although it did knock a bowl off of the kitchen counter once, a while back). I used to live across the road from here when I was a child, and did have a cat that loved this area, however I don't think it's him.
    Thanks for your post.

  31. Can any of you tell me what it means when you see a shadow cat out of the corner of your eye

  32. I recently had to have my beloved Ragdoll, Shelby, put to sleep on 5th October. She would have been 17 next month. I miss her so much. On Tuesday night my husband awoke to see a cat sitting on me. He thought it was Elsa, one of our other cats, as it had fluffy cheeks. He reached over to stroke her, but his hand passed straight through. The cat continued to stare at him and then slowly disappeared. He believes it was Shelby. I did not feel her sitting on me. I really hope it was her.

  33. I have 2 urn"s of my past cats in our house and i also feel their attention as well as my cats feel them.

  34. I live in an apt house where u can only have cats. I haven’t had a cat since 1980’s. So this is not about my cat. I moved into my apt just 4 month ago. One night a felt a cat walking up my leg an smell my hand, an I felt his whiskers, that made a believer out of me. Apt building was built 1925. The cat doesn’t touch me until I go to bed an turn off the light. I may have a couple three cat cause I’ll feel the pressure in more areas on my body. The last couple night the cats started to lay on me before I turned off the light plus are laying closer to my shoulders, it’s like they are getting more comfortable with me. I also have had ghost that have haunted or touched me, after several tries I was able to get him to go to the light an he was gone, has not come back.

  35. I thought I was the only one with a ghost cat.My cat simon died last year and in the last few weeks I am visited each night by her walking on the bed and laying against me. Now when I go to bed I call to her that its time for bed and not long after I feel the walking on the bed and we go to sleep. Its very comforting to know she's still with me.

  36. I thought I was crazy. I've had three companions pass, Misha, a tonkinese (burmese/siamese mix), Isabeaux, a tuxedo cat, and Hunter, my husband's Big Wyoming Barn cat (they rival Maine Coons). they all come to me at night. Well I shall be welcoming them. Sometimes they show up in the day. I went to the bathroom at night and saw Isabeaux go in to the bathroom after me. My alive cat, Gracie, a manx, was staring at me down the hall. Hnnnh... I'm not crazy.

  37. I am so glad I googled ghost cat. I have been having a ghost cat visit for over a nine month period. It is now getting very regular, sometimes every week. It happens in the morning just as I am waking, at first I think my cat Holly is on the bed. I feel her moving, then purring, then the pressure of her body on my back. If I remain still, she stays, but then if I turn to stroke her, she isn't there.


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