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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Cursed Ghosts of Bhangarh Fort

The ancient Indian fortress and city of Bhangarh is so haunted that the government of India has made it illegal to enter it after dark. 

Warning signs are placed around the fort and ruins prohibiting entrance between sunset and sunrise. The fear is someone might be harmed. 

The history and stories about this fortress are irresistible.

The fort is located in northwest India in Rajasthan state in a valley surrounded by mountains. (Click here to see panoramic view) 

The fortress was first built in 1573 under the rule of Raja Bhagwand Das as the residence for his second son Madho Singh. Madho participated in many battles with his brother and father. 

The next ruler of Bhangarh was Madho’s son Chhartr Singh. After Chhartr's death in 1630 Bhangarh slowly declined. Some say this was due to famine or plague but others point to various myths or legends as the reason why the Bhangarh Fort and city were abandoned never to be re-inhabited.

One myth states that Guru Balu Nath who originally sanctioned the construction of the fort cursed Blangarh. 

At the time he granted it he had one condition, which was that no building in the city should be high enough to cast a shadow large enough to reach his retreat. He warned if they ever did he would curse the city. 

Ignorant of this warning, a descendant prince Ajab Singh raised the height of his palace, which then cast a shadow on Nath’s forbidden retreat so he cursed the area.

Another well-known myth is about the Princess of Bhangharh, Ratnavati. She at the age of eighteen was very beautiful, it is said no others compared. She began to get marriage proposals from various nobles around the region. 

This legend states that a magician (tantric—versed in the occult) by the name of Singhia was also in love with the princess but he knew the match was impossible so he decided to use his black magic to win her.

One day Singhia spotted the Princess Ratnavati’s maid in the market buying perfumed oil for her mistress. It is stated he put a spell on this oil. But the princess saw him cast the spell and foiled his plan by throwing the oil on the ground. 

As it struck the ground it turned into a boulder, which crushed Signhia. The legend states as he lay dying he cursed the palace—stating whoever dwelled inside would die. The very next year a battle was fought between Bahngarh and Ajabarh in which Princess Ranavati died.

Most myths surrounding Bhangarh state the reason for the cities demise was because it was cursed. They all go on to state that ghosts haunt Bhangarh as well. This belief is not just based in local folklore. 

In fact, Bhangarh is considered the most haunted spot in southern Asia today. For this reason the India Government at one point tried to dispel this belief by having Indian military troops patrol the fort and city at night.

The belief the fort is haunted runs so deep these troops balked at this idea-- flat out refusing to do the patrols.

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) that is responsible for maintaining the fort and surrounding ruins also recognize the fact that the area is haunted. 

They built their offices a good mile away from the area—all other sites they manage around India have their offices within the protected area but at the Bhangarh Fort they state they wanted their headquarters at a safe distance.

Even though the fort is completely deserted at night, many witnesses have stated that they feel a distinct uneasiness while near the area. Strange noises are often reported. 

Among these are reports of music and dancing coming from within the city and fortress. 

Some locals feel that one spirit that haunts the area is that of the magician Singhia. It is said that during the day he watches Bhangarh Fort from a nearby hill but that at night he comes down in search of his beloved princess.

Here is a rough translation for one of the Hindi signs that warn visitors that they cannot enter the fort at night:

“Entering the borders of Blangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken against anybody who does not follow these instructions.”

The following video has local villagers talking about the myths and ghosts that surround the fort.


  1. Nice Stories My Real Life Ghost Experiences Visit

  2. Thanks.
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