Saturday, April 13, 2013

Malaysian Ghost Research

Augustine Towonsing founded “Malaysian Ghost Research” over eight years ago. His site on the web is a wonderful resource for anyone who is interested in ghost investigations. 

Since childhood Augustine has been “sensitive” to the spirits that surround him. As he puts it--"I see ghosts". This awareness led him as a young man to start a journey that includes some of the best information and evidence that ghosts do exist.

His research and evidence is very extensive so I will not attempt to share it here. A link to his site is provided below. Instead I will share just an overview of why Augustine feels he has been able to capture such compelling evidence. 

The way he approaches investigations has two main themes. Just like many people in the Malaysian culture Augustine believes that when a person dies they leave their physical body but they continue to live on.

Within this new existence or form that he describes as part of a “universal energy force” he states that then these spirits can manifest for the living--taking on a variety of energy forms. Augustine feels strongly that in order to capture evidence the investigator must approach their efforts with a deep sense of respect. 

He feels strongly that the “living” and their emotions directly impact the results of whether evidence is captured or not. One of his “best practices” is not to allow investigators that have a negative attitude to participate.

Augustine believes that ghosts are “everywhere”. He believes evidence can be captured both during the day and at night. But like many ghost hunters he does investigations of areas that are considered highly active. I am proud to state that Augustine is a friend of mine-- and he has given me permission to share his evidence here. It is copyrighted. In future I will share more of his videos and EVP's.

Augustine is a Reiki Master, an environmental researcher, a photographer, a ghost researcher, and a member of the International Ghost Hunters Society as well as a member of the International Ghost Hunters Inner Circle Society.

The following video "Spirit walks in front of video camera" is really amazing. Augustine calls the energy he captured in this video “supercharged”.

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