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Saturday, March 7, 2015

17 Hundred 90 Inn and Tavern

17 Hundred 90 Inn and Tavern
This Inn is one of Savannah Georgia’s oldest hotels. It was built in 1820. Steel White, a Virginia planter, designed this elegant old building with the intention of turning it into a boarding house.

But Steel died in a tragic riding accident before construction on the building was complete. The structure then was used as a hotel and tavern.

Today the 17 Hundred is a popular spot for ghost hunters. The Inn’s upper floors contain the original 14 suites. An active female spirit haunts Room 204.

Inn is located at 306 East President Street
Anne Powell was a young woman who jumped to her death from a balcony that once was attached to Room 204. Several stories are told as to why she did this. The most popular one follows.

At the age of 16 Anne was unhappily married to Steel White, the man who designed the Inn. After his death, she fell in love with a German sailor who was visiting Savannah. He made her promises he never intended to keep.

Anne discovered she was pregnant. Her sailor left on a ship, promising her he would return soon. Months passed and he did not return. Anne desperate jumped to her death.

Room 204 is so active that at one time the hotel management made guests that stayed in the suite sign a waiver stating they would not request their money back if they did not stay the entire night.

The room at one time contained several journals where guests wrote about their various encounters with Anne’s ghost. Visitors awoke to see Anne looking down at them.

Male guests reported as they lay in bed something soft caressed their cheek. Anne’s ghost however does not like female guests that stay in the room.

On several occasions women--having picked the side of the bed that was Annes--have been shoved out of the bed. One older guest hit her head on the nightstand as this was done to her.

Renovated Room 204
window to right behind bed
is where balcony once stood.
Note: The original bed of course is not in this room--but it seems Anne’s ghost still views the one side as hers.

Guests and visitors report that there is a strong sense of pressure at the end of the bed in this room but once one moves to the side this feeling lightens.

Several have captured on video a small lamp that stands on the left nightstand flickering on and off. Its prisms also shake violently. The hotel has checked out the outlet etc. and has never discovered anything wrong.

With renovations to the suite the lamp with the prisms has been removed.

One employee spotted Anne’s apparition standing at a window as he entered the room. She turned toward him and then disappeared.

Many guests have reporedt their personal items disappeared. These items include: wallets, jewelry, keys and under-garments. These under-garments are often found in a planter below one of the room's windows.

Several female guests that have stayed in 204 report that they returned to the room to find their suitcases open and their night gowns laid out on the bed--as if someone was just about to try them on.

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