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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mysterious Call for Help

This past Saturday, four police officers in Utah rushed to a car that had overturned in the icy Spanish Fork River 50 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah.

These officers heard a mysterious voice coming from the car desperately calling for help. But when they reached the car they discovered the 25-year old driver, Lynn Groesbeck was deceased.

The cause of her death was later determined to be drowning.

Her 18-month-year old daughter Lily Groesbeck was hanging up side down unconscious from her car seat. Her head was inches away from the icy water that flowed through the car.

It had been almost 14 hours since the car had hit a stone bridge barrier and careened into the river. The temperature through the night and that morning was close to freezing.

The officers state they cannot explain the “calls for help” they heard. The only two people in the car were the mother and her daughter.

Lynn Groesbeck was returning home to Springville from a visit with her parents in Salem when the accident occurred. It has not been determined what caused the crash but the authorities have ruled out drugs or alcohol.

The officers at the scene state the distinct female voice they heard calling for help will remain a mystery. But they all firmly state they heard this voice coming from the car.

It was this voice that led them and firefighters to rescue Lily.

What mainstream accounts about this rescue omit is the obvious. Either Lynn Groesbeck’s spirit stayed around to help her child or it was a guardian angel.

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