Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ghost with a Sweet Tooth

Reader’s Digest has some wonderful first-person accounts of people who have encountered ghosts. Two female neighbors shared the following story.

These two women had something in common—their homes shared a poltergeist. This type of entity is known to move objects around, and these neighbors experienced this on a daily basis.

This poltergeist was very playful, and the two women named him Billy.

They often came home to find items in weird places. Milk cartons were moved to cupboards, toilet paper was found in the refrigerator, and laundry detergent was found dissolved in the bathtub.

One day the two women greeted each other on their back porches. Both were hunting for their lost milk. They discovered the gallons on the steps by their feet.

Both women joked Billy had a “sweet tooth,” for every morning they found their sugar bowls empty.

The two women would talk to Billy. When one would become frustrated, they would demand he go bother their neighbor for a while. This worked for the two would call each other to say, “Thanks a lot” because Billy had pulled some new mischief in their home.

Billy was active the whole time these two women were neighbors. No one believed them when they mentioned Billy—not even their husbands.

Their relatives and friends would often see the result of Billy’s impish ways, but they always made excuses—it couldn’t possibly be the ghost the two women knew shared their homes.

Reader’s Digest shared this story from a Reddit thread.

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