In years past settlers in the
interior of southern Illinois used a rough “cut” through the hills near
Jonesboro, Illinois to reach the Mississippi River. This cut was known as Dug
Hill Road.
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Dug Hill Road 1928 |
Today this road located 5
miles west of Jonesboro on State Highway 126 has lost its rustic appearance but
in the 1860s it was a dark secluded spot that posed many dangers to both the
locals and travelers that used it.
For this reason Dug Hill
gained a reputation as being one of the haunted roads in southern Illinois.
Stories of strange sights were often told and with each telling these legends
Here are two of these
The Murder of Marshall Welch
In April of 1865 near the end
of the Civil War, a Marshall by the name of Welsh arrested 3 deserters from the
Union army. He did not treat these men kindly. He took them to Jonesboro and
turned them over to the authorities.
A few days after these men
were jailed word reached Illinois that the war had ended--General Lee had
surrendered at Virginia. These 3 men were then released.
They were bitter and angry at
how Welch had treated them and they set out to get revenge. One late evening as
Welch passed through the cut heading home these men lay in wait. They shot and
killed him as he rode by. They left him lying in the middle of Dug Hill Road.
Welch’s body was found
quickly but these 3 men were never arrested or punished for this crime.
Soon after Welch’s death
local farmers and travelers who passed through the cut started to report
unusual activity. Welch’s ghost was seen walking along this road wearing bloody
Several witnesses stated that
he pleaded for help--as they approached he just vanished. More often his ghost was seen lying in the center of the dusty trail.
One wagon driver traveling
through the cut spotted a man lying facedown in the road. He stopped his team
and climbed down to see if he could help.
When he leaned down to turn
the man over, his hands passed right through him. He tried once more but his
hands only touched the dirt beneath the body.
Terrified, he ran to his
wagon. He urged his horses forward. As he reached the spot
where the body lay he felt a bump as his wagon wheels went over the phantom corpse.
He looked back and saw that
the body was no longer there.
The Spectral Wagon
Yet another strange sight seen along Dug Hill Road is that of a ghostly wagon.
One cold dark snowy night in
December a farmer named Bill Smith was driving his team of horses through the cut. He had to stop because the harness had
slipped off one of his horses. As he repositioned it he heard a disturbing
sound approaching him from down the road.
He heard the loud crushing
sound of wagon wheels in the crusted snow approaching his position quickly. A
chill ran down his spine. The wagon was approaching too fast and he knew the
narrow road would not accommodate both wagons.
If he could not move his
wagon or call out a warning both drivers would be killed.
He yelled loudly into the
darkness but he feared the other driver had not heard him over the racket. He
was right for the other wagon drew closer. In a panic, he attempted to move his
At any moment the two wagons
would crash but then the farmer saw a shocking sight. The other wagon did crest
the hill but the noise was no longer coming from the road. He looked up to see
a man fiercely whipping two black horses.
“The horses’ hooves pounded the air and the wagon wheels spun as if they
were on the ground. This eerie sight soared above the farmer’s head headed for
the next hill.”
--taken from The Big Book of Illinois Ghost Stories by Troy Taylor
This flying wagon then
disappeared from view and its loud crushing noises slowly faded away.
Yet another legend connected to
Dug Hill Road I first read about in Troy Taylor’s book. This legend is about a mythical
creature or boogeyman. Read about it in Ghosts of Dug Hill, Part ll.
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