Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Ghosts at Lincoln Park Zoo

I have written other posts, here, here, and here about what happens when cemeteries are moved but some bodies are left behind.

This disruption often results in very active hauntings.

Entrance to Lincoln Park Zoo
The Lincoln Park Zoo, located in Chicago, Illinois is a prime example of graves being disturbed.

In 1837, Chicago’s City Cemetery contained thousands of victims of several cholera outbreaks. As the city expanded health concerns arose that these bodies were being buried near the cities’ main water supply—Lake Michigan.

View from Lincoln Park Zoo.
When this cemetery was closed in 1866, it is estimated that it contained 30,000 graves. Chicago officials decided to move these bodies outside the city limits.

Families of the deceased were informed, in 1869, that they needed to make other arrangements for their dead relatives. The city then undertook the removal of those who did not have a family.

People fled to the park during
the fire.
It is said the 1871 Chicago Fire hindered this work. This fire destroyed many of the grave markers, which meant bodies were left behind.

When this land where the old cemetery was located was given to the Chicago Park Commissioner, one exaggerated rumor declared that there were still 10,000 unmarked graves in the park.

Conservatory at Lincoln Park.
Lincoln park today is a large recreation area that encompasses 1,208 acres. It hosts, formal gardens, a conservatory, nature and history museums, playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts, boating facilities, beaches, hiking paths and trails, including an 18-mile bike path along the lakefront, a golf course, bird refuge and the zoo.

A skeleton uncovered at
the Lincoln Park Zoo.
During construction in the park, bodies are sometimes dug up. Lincoln Park Zoo was built in the 1870s directly over the old cemetery site. It is in this southern area of the park where most of the paranormal activity occurs.

In 1962, one of the lost bodies was discovered. The zoo was constructing a new barn when they dug up a skeleton. Since this body could not be identified the zoo director, for legal reasons, had it placed back where it was found, then the barn was built over this grave.

Witnesses report seeing ghosts wearing Victorian clothes throughout the park, they appear out of nowhere and then they quickly disappear.

The Lion House at the zoo.
One lady from this period is observed near the Lion House. She is seen walking around, apparently oblivious to the modern day visitors that pass by.

This same ghost is often spotted in a Ladies Room near this exhibit. Many women have been unnerved when they spot her reflection in the mirror only to turn around and discover she is not there.

There are many reports of lights flickering, and doors slamming all without cause.

The Couch crypt is the only
visible grave at the zoo.
EVP’s have been recorded with mysterious voices, both male and female. Several groups have received clear one-word responses to their questions.

Thousands of photographs are taken of the animals at this zoo, every year, but many visitors discover anomalies in these pictures they did not expect.

They find they have captured, strange fogs, streaks, orbs, lights, and faces without bodies. Several have revealed full-bodied apparitions that were not in the area when the pictures were taken.

There are also areas around the zoo, which appear to randomly become infused with negative energy. When people who are sensitive hit these spots they become nauseated.

Suicide Bridge
Another part of the park’s history is pointed to as a further reason for these hauntings. A 42-foot bridge stood in this park from 1894 until 1919.

It was built to give visitors a view of the surrounding area. But it was torn down once it was nicknamed, “Suicide Bridge.” For it was here hundreds of people either hung themselves or jumped to their deaths.

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