This small island is located
90 miles east of Gladstone on Queensland’s coast. It is one of many islands
along the Great Barrier Reef.
Captain Thomas Stuart who
named it after his ship the Lady Elliot
discovered it in 1816.
There have been so many
shipwrecks around the island that at one time it was dubbed, “Shipwreck
Island.” These wrecks continued to occur even after a lighthouse was built on
the island in 1873.
Early entrepreneurs
discovered the Lady Elliot was covered in phosphate rich guano from seabird
droppings. Miners removed this layer--along with the island’s vegetation
leaving a barren landscape.
Early sailors who visited the
island before the guano mining were afraid to come ashore. This was because at
night wailing and moaning sounds were heard.
An early belief was these
sounds came from the ghosts of long-dead sailors whose ships had wandered too
close to the island’s surrounding reef.
Later when Chinese “coolie”
laborers were forced to live on the island to mine the guano, the true source
for these sounds was discovered.
Seabirds--the mutton-bird-- that use the island at night as a rookery
actually make these sounds.
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Lighthouse 1902 |
But the island is haunted. In
1896, Phoebe Phillips, the daughter of the lighthouse keeper, caught pneumonia
and died at the age of 30. Some claim to have seen her ghost.
Her remains share the
island’s small cemetery with Susannah McKee who was the wife of a lighthouse
keeper ten years later.
Susannah who was from Ireland
married Thomas McKee and the couple had four sons. When the McKee family moved
to Lady Elliot Susannah found the living conditions unbearable.
The hot climate and desolate
landscape that had been stripped by the guano mining did not help.
Supplies that had to be
delivered to the island by ship were often late, and meat and other perishables
would not keep.
Susannah found the islands
living quarters small and cramped and medical attention was not available.
After her youngest son went
off to boarding school--Susannah found the isolation overwhelming.
Bored and alone Susannah put
on her best clothes one day in April of 1907 and walked out onto the old
guano-loading jetty below the lighthouse. She then jumped into the sea. She was
59 years old.
Rumors swirled later that her
husband was responsible for her death but there was no proof he murdered her.
When her body washed up on
the shore Thomas buried her next to Phoebe Phillips.
Sadly, it appears Susannah
spirit is trapped in this place she disliked so much in life.
Her ghost was first seen in
the 1930s. The keeper on the island at that time, Arthur Brumpton looked down
from the lighthouse balcony one evening to see a female figure dressed in
turn-of-the-century clothing.
He watched as this ghost
walked between the lighthouse and the 3 cottages behind it.
His young daughter, Margaret
also felt the presence of a stranger. She often heard ghostly footsteps in the
When Arthur and his daughter
left the island in 1940 the captain on the ship they were on showed them old
photos of people who had once lived on Lady Elliot Island. They both identified
Susannah McKee in one photograph as the woman they had seen.
In 1985 the lighthouse was
automated. The new resort staff that arrived on the island was charged with its
The resort manager, Tili
Birkman immediately reported strange activity on the island that centered
mostly around and in the 3 old cottages.
Jeff Raynor was hired as a
grounds keeper and Chris Lister was hired as a chef. The first day as these two
men moved into one of the cottages they experienced this haunting.
As they sat outside taking a
break an empty plastic ice-cream container came flying out of one of the other cottages’ front door and landed at their feet.
Later as the two described
what they saw, Jeff expressed the fact he did not believe in ghosts.
That night as he slept in the
cottage he was awoken abruptly when he was hurled out of his bed--he landed on
the floor with a hard bump. After this he slept on the cottage verandah
A few nights later he awoke
again. To his horror he saw a transparent figure of a woman standing in the
cottage doorway.
Susannah’s ghost has been
seen peering out of the cottage windows as well. She is sometimes spotted
walking across the island’s small airstrip.
A team of painters contracted
to paint the old cottages found every time they climbed on their scaffolding it
began to shake violently, but as soon as they got down it stopped.
Today Lady Elliot Island is a
world-renowned scuba diving destination and a Heritage site. The rustic resort
only allows a small number of guests on the island at a time.
Its reefs at high tide are
spectacular. The island is a part of the Marine National Park Zone. Since fishing
is not allowed the variety of sea life seen is incredible. Glass bottomed boat
tours are offered in the area.
Two guests have also
experienced strange activity. One woman camping in a tent awakened to the sound
of zippers opening and shutting. When she got up and looked around no one was
When she climbed back in her
tent she realized the zippers were inside the tent.
Another guest expressed an
opinion he does not believe in ghosts. As he took the last swallow of his drink
and put the glass down gently it shattered.
A tour that includes the island’s cemetery is popular and most visitors are careful to pay their respects.
A tour that includes the island’s cemetery is popular and most visitors are careful to pay their respects.